A Good CUP International, Inc.
AGC Thailand

AGC Thailand

Restore a Woman

CUP Thailand

Thailand is a very stratified society. While it does not have a caste system, there is definitely a “class” system. These girls are not even on the lowest rung of the social ladder. The sex industry in Thailand to Western men is driven by poverty, domestic violence, gender inequality, childhood sexual abuse, lack of education, the expectation for a daughter to be the financial provider. We have heard more than one Thai man say, “Women were born for the pleasure of men.” Struggles with self worth and identity as well as the trauma of abuse make emotional and physical survival for these women and girls very difficult.


Pattaya is an even large sex industry than Bangkok with 20-50,000 men, women, children and transgenders working there. In one area the women are aging out of the business (about 30-35 years old) and their daughters are teens and at high risk of stepping in to the work. It is our goal to appeal to the mother’s by offering them work at a restaurant which would be on the ground floor of the shop house, while simultaneously bringing their daughters to live there and complete their education through University.

Home of New Beginnings is helping women break away from the sex industry. As women “age out” of the sex industry (ages 30-35), their teenage daughters will take over their work in bars and brothels to support the family. Home of New Beginnings has a vision to end this cycle.

The Pattaya home will offer employment to the mothers leaving the brothels in the restaurant located on-site while also housing up to 10 young girls who might otherwise begin work in the sex industry. More than just a place to live, the Pattaya home will support women through high school and university or vocational training, bringing hope where there once was none.

To get involved with or learn more about this project, please connect with us!


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